Holds an MA in Linguistics (University of Łódź) and Advanced Diploma in English Teaching Management (University of Cambridge), graduate of Uczelnia im. Leona Koźmińskiego (Psychology in Business postgraduate studies). Marta is a conference speaker, senior lecturer, head teacher trainer and Director of Studies at the English Language Centre, University of Łódź. She is a freelance teacher trainer, mentor and Academic Projects Director for DOS ELTea, including the innovative Teacher Trainer Academy course, shortlisted for the prestigious British Council ELTON award 2016, and ELT Author Academy. She is also a content designer for High Impact Teachers (a closed FB group for enthusiastic and engaged teachers), founder and manager of the ROK RELACJI W EDUKCJI initiative.
Marta is a very prolific and highly esteemed ELT author. Her main publications are: Matura Masters, Password, Repetytorium Maturalne, Repetytorium Gimnazjalne, Repetytorium Szóstoklasisty, Password and Password Reset series, all for Macmillan Education.
Why did you decide to include your sessions in the programme of the academy?
Writing challenging tasks is only seemingly easy. In reality it?s quite a tall order. I want to teach future authors how to apply the so-called Goldilocks principle to writing tasks for students. There are so many techniques helping inexperienced authors in this area that it would be a shame not to share!
Where do you get your inspiration from as an author?
From life! I read a lot, listen a lot and talk to people a lot. I draw a lot of inspiration from my students who always come up with new ideas. I keep a mini diary which I call ?Inspirownik?. There I note down things I come across which I find useful for my coursebooks. I never stop thinking about topics for my next units.