DOS ELT founder, chairman
Teacher, academic lecturer, teacher trainer, EFL project manager, adviser and author.
MA in Linguistics from University of Essex, PhD in Language & Linguistics from University of Warsaw.
Former senior lecturer and deputy director for Practical English & CLIL at the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, currently affiliated with The New School, New York, where he teaches on an on-line MA TESOL Programme. Head ELT Consultant for Macmillan Polska ? key trainer and academic coordinator of the entire team of teacher trainers. Co-founder of deDOMO Education, an award-winning approach to informal and non-formal foreign language education. Lead author of Angielski dla rodziców deDOMO, an innovative series of support publications, for use by parents, individual tutors and educational institutions. Former president of IATEFL Poland, currently a member of its Honorary Committee.