Rob Howard is the owner of Online Language Center, a live online course for C1/C2 level students specializing in Business, Legal and Academic English. He is a teacher, tutor, trainer, material designer, blogger and writer for English as a foreign language. He is also a consultant and has been a frequent speaker internationally, both in-person and online, regarding online retention and online presentation skills, using technology in and out of the classroom as well as Business English for the IATEFL BESIG.
Why did you decide to include your sessions in the programme of the academy?
Having participated last year in the academy, I, without question wanted to be a part of this year?s term. The students are wonderful, attentive and interactive and the program is superb.
Where do you get your inspiration as an author/editor from?
I get my inspiration from my colleagues in the INDEPENDENT AUTHORS & PUBLISHERS and the IATEFL MaWSIG. Both are great groups of sharing and caring professionals that support me and others unselfishly.